Tuesday, November 25, 2008

November 25-26

Objectives: Students will read and write for understanding and literary response.

Discuss comprehension and critical thinking questions.

Identify and illustrate the seven deadly sins.

Background: Sibyl, her mother, Mrs. Vane, and James (Jim), discuss her relationship with Dorian whom she calls Prince Charming, Jim, cautions her mother to guard Sibyl, and vows to kill anyone who harms her.

Which one of the seven deadly sins is most evident so far in Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray?

Do Now:

Have you ever had a friend whose girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other who you did not like?

Were you envious of their relationship?

Did you experience any of the seven deadly sins?

Discussion Questions:

Identify members of Sibyl Vane’s family and analyze their interrelationships.

The members of Sibyl Vane’s family are

Examine the various reactions of Sibyl, Mrs. Vane, and Jim toward Dorian.

The various reactions of Sibyl, Mrs. Vane, and Jim toward Dorian are

Critical Response:

Examine the universality of the statement, “Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.”

Cooperative Learning: We identified the seven deadly sins of Pride, Avarice (greed), Envy, Wrath (anger), Lust, Gluttony, Sloth.

Connect to self:

Which of the seven are you guilty of today?

Homework: Identify at least four similes in chapter five.

Chapter Five's Similes:






Vocabulary words you may need to know for Chapter 6:

Infatuation - hobbies that they are passionately love to do.

Virtues - life and conduct to moral and ethical principles, uprightness, and rectitude.

Incorrigible - impervious to constraints or punishment.

Pompous - characterized by an ostentatious display of dignity or importance.

Spiritualize - investment with a spiritual meaning.

Interminable - will to be incapable of being terminated.

Fiasco - complete and ignominious failure.

Profanation - violation of sacred things.

Anodyne - medicine that relieves or allays pain.

Illusion - sight that deceives him/her/it by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.

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